You'd be surprised how physically taxing housework is: dusting your shelves, cleaning your toilets, doing the dishes, mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, vacuuming and sweeping, picking up the house, and cleaning the garage will definitely give you a workout.
Walk the dog more often-both your body and your pup will thank you. When you go to the grocery store, hardware store, movies, or mall, park at the end of the lot instead of wrangling for a spot near the front door. If that's not possible, park several blocks away from your office building to force yourself into two 15-minute walks every day. Take the subway or bike to work or school instead of driving. If getting fit means losing weight, this will help the pounds melt away-and stay away! If you're training for endurance, this is the way to ensure steady improvement.Consistent daily exercise is very important factor.You must not skip days. By regularly challenging yourself you keep your physical self "tuned up".
Incorporate more physical exercise into your daily routine.